Crystal Click Team - Instructions

NOTE: This page will be formatted, fixed up, and incorporated into the Freelance main site, PoR - Deathknell section, Daosheen the Firstborn raid page.  For now, it's here and functional.

This is a reference page, for the click team.  It explains crystal cure combinations, emotes, room layout and other related details.

Crystal Mechanic & Corresponding Zonewide Emotes:

Clicking a crystal in the appropriate sequence will cure a certain AE.  Below are details of the combos and related start times/emote details.

Crystal Action Emotes:

Each time a crystal is clicked, it'll emote an action.  So for example, clicking the yellow crystal would result in: The yellow crystal begins to glow

The emotes change, based on the crystals state.  When you click your sequence of colors, you must have the combo complete before certain emotes appear, such as: The crystals go dim or The yellow crystal emits a flash of light.

On a successful sequence of clicks, the emote will be something down the lines of: A bolt of light joins the red and blue crystals momentarily.

During the Event:

Each of you will be assigned to one crystal.  You will FD within range to be able to click it while still remaining FD.  This is important, because if you're on Daosheen's hatelist, you'll be at risk of being AE'd yourself.

You'll either work out of a channel, or within the same group.  This way you can co-ordinate your clicking efforts.