Raid Schedule

Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Time: 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST

sisters - tattles team

This page is set up to describe the tattles that take place during the event and what those assigned to the hails/replies will be doing.

In addition, this is to explain to those assigned to do the hails/replies what their role is and how to set up for it.

initial setup

In order for things to go smoothly and to expedite our setup prior to and during engagement, the channel will have a leader in charge of instructing what needs to be done.

All the tattle chat will be co-ordinated in the following channel:

Leader: Macloan, Danaen, Foxbird, Imnotjim

Note: If the above leader(s) isn't online, someone else will be in charge of setting up tattles and it'll be made clear who that person is in the channel.

For this particular event, the person in charge is carefully chosen and it's important to please follow his / her instructions.   If you're not sure on any element of what's being explained, please ask in the tattles channel.  There's no need to be shy about anything, if you ask in the channel, someone else may not have understood the same thing and it benefits everyone by having it clarified.

sisters involved

There are three sisters involved in this event:


During the event, each Sister will direct a spell at those doing the hails:

Hand of the Unseen - 4k dd with a 2 sec stun.

Prick of a Poisoned Pin - DoT for 2k a tick over 1 minute.  Poison counter 50.

In addition, the sisters move around and warp, so it's important that you follow them around and stay close.

Be warned:  Adds also spawn in areas where the sisters are.   Stay with the sister always, while the adds get pulled to the raid for killing.

group makeup

Each hailer will be put in a special group that includes a healer, tracker if possible, and a backup puller or tank in case of adds.

The role of the support in this group is to keep the hailer alive, and in case of adds, pull them back to the raid.

Most of the time, we'll try and pick hailers that can FD.

tattles mechanic

When one sister is hailed, they will say what they are doing, and ask what the other sister is doing.

The other sister is then hailed, and in her reply, she tells you what she is doing.

What she is doing is then relayed to the other sister.

To win the event, two sisters need 8 tattles against them to each be kicked out of Demiplane.

Important notes:

  • If two out of the three sisters have been tattled on, the third doesn't ask for information on the other two.  Be aware of this tattlers, because it will happen to you at some point.  It's normal, just don't be confused by it thinking something is broken.

  • Sisters in close proximity to one another.  Sometimes you'll get two sisters standing next to each other and be unable to relay a tattle successfully.  This happens and it's normal.  There's nothing we can do to prevent it, nor get the tattle to register.   Just do the tattle like normal in this situation.

tattle example

For this example, lets say Thewun is by Althea and Suurge is by Brenda.

Thewun says, 'Hail, Althea'

Althea is sulking, burying her face in the bedsheets while CRYING QUIETLY.

Althea says, 'What is Brenda up to?'

Suurge says, 'Hail, Brenda'

Brenda glances around the room to ensure the other Sisters are nowhere in sight, then slips a DEAD RAT under the bed pillow.

At this point, Suurge tells Thewun what Brenda is doing.  Thewun then tells Althea.

Thewun says, 'DEAD RAT'

Althea growls, 'She put what in my bed?'

examples of tattle success & fail messages

Each time you relay a tattle successfully, you'll get emoted saying so.  There are a couple incriminating messages, but below is an example of one:

You have successfully reported Christine's underhanded activities. With enough evidence to incriminate her fully, she will be unwelcome in the Master's house.

A Fail Example: Brenda says 'Wait, are you absolutely sure, Soandso?  I think you're incorrect.'

Giving an answer when one isn't expected:

Christine says 'I already know what she's doing now, Soandso.  Keep a close eye on her activities and let me know what she's doing next.  Give her the chance to dig her own proverbial grave.'

tattle keywords & hotkeys

The important part of each emote is given in CAPS.  These are the keywords that must be relayed to the appropriate sister.

Make hotkeys for EACH of the keywords below.  It'll speed things up and avoid chances of a typo.
List of the keywords:

Crying Quietly
Dead Rat
Letter Opener
Poisonous Substance
Wooden Stake

relaying tattles format

When you're relaying your tattles to a sister, have the NPC targeted, and never repeat a tattle thinking you lagged out.  Say the tattle, then watch for the reply text.

To keep everything clear, we will follow a format when relaying all our tattles to the channel.

Only the first letter of each sister will be used:  

Althea = A
Brenda = B
Christine = C


[letter A or B or C]   [tattle keyword]  need  [letter A or B or C]

For replies to the above, all that is needed is: [letter A or B or C]   [tattle keyword]

Example: A CRYING QUIETLY need B

Whoever is on Brenda (B) would do the hail and based on her reply might relay the following example:


Note: The above keywords and names are just examples, and it can be any random keyword from the list and at directed at different sisters.

You also have a limited time to exchange info when a sister is standing around.  After a while you will see something down the lines of: ... prepares to head elsewhere

modified map for download

The Sisters like to warp around at times, and this makes it difficult to find them.  In order to co-ordinate their position faster, we've labeled our map with the spots they like to warp to.  This way the lookouts, with the help of the raid can relay lost sister locations fast and call out by number which area she is in.



Note: To download the uncompressed version, right click on the file and select "Save Target As..."

map markers for manual edits

Warning: Ignore this section if you downloaded the above map.

This is just to cover those wanting to append the locs to their existing DSK map.

There are 13 markers listed below:

P -335.4289, -2396.8196, 93.0358,  0, 0, 240,  3,  13
P -271.8209, -2475.7197, 63.5683,  0, 0, 240,  3,  12
P -194.1698, -2706.8384, 120.5689,  0, 0, 240,  3,  11
P -293.0069, -2677.0874, 63.5684,  0, 0, 240,  3,  10
P 149.3290, -2635.3438, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  __9
P 3.7946, -2640.0293, 124.5692,  240, 0, 0,  3,  __8
P -190.9862, -2605.4333, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___7
P -250.0956, -2629.2700, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___6
P -299.7457, -2628.8215, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___5
P -363.5013, -2582.6855, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___4
P -305.7363, -2538.0498, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___3
P -249.6825, -2559.4338, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  ___2
P -141.0241, -2559.3743, 124.5690,  240, 0, 0,  3,  __1

Note:  Leave the  ___'s lines in.  These are just whitespace before the number when we made up the markers.  Adding in the whitespace makes the little pointer arrow appear smaller and allows a clearer view of the actual number, without the line getting in the way.

lookout people

Lookouts are assigned at set locations marked on our map.  When a sister comes into your area, you call out in /RS your number where you are on the map (or the number we assign you, if you don't have a map).

You call your sister location using the first letter of the sister in your area, followed by the numbered location she is at.  For example:  A2.  This would mean Althea is located at point 2 on the map.  Our tattler can run to that point quickly and do the hail.

Note:  Always keep /rs updated the moment you see a sister in your area.  This simple action helps us tremendously.